Midsummer 2015,prevailing news of National Entrance Examination just reached Anqing Foreign Language School.ShengJia,a Liberal Arts student of our school,had a total score of 650 points overall,with Chinese 118 points,mathematics 142 points,English 144 points,Integrated Arts Exam 246 points respectively in the 2015 Chinese Gaokao.In recognition of her hard-working spirit,in addition to her 20th rank in Anqing City and 747th rank in Anhui Province,our school decided to present the RMB 10,000 Principal Special Scholarship to ShengJia.
On the afternoon of June 26th,2015,Principal Huang Wenli made a visit to ShenJia’s house in person to send the scholarship,accompanied by Head Director of Senior High Qian Zhihong,Grade 12th Director Xu Haihong as well as Sheng’s headteacher Qian Yetao.Our school congratulated ShengJia and her parents,expecting her to achieve a even better future.Meanwhile,ShengJia vividly recalled her good years both in Junior and Senior High thanks to Anqing Foreign Language School.Noticeably,she gave her gratefulness to her headteacher Mr. Qian Yetao in particular,who works really hard and is a responsible teacher,caring for each and everyone of her classmates.Here is the quote by ShengJia,I owe my well-rounded development to all my teachers.
Also,ShengJia is more than willing to share her learning experience with her fellow schoolmates in lower grades.In the meantime,she expressed her sincerest blessings to Anqing Foreign School.